Logan Intergenerational Family Education Project Receives Local Support
Welcome news of charitable grants from the Darwin and Lorene Cole Foundation and the Albert Morgan and Leona A. Morgan Charitable Foundation arrived recently for the Logan Community Development Foundation, the fundraising entity for the Logan Intergenerational Family Education Center project. Each of the charities, located in Phillipsburg, generously granted $20,000 to the continuation of the project.
Fundraising efforts had been put on hold due to Covid restrictions, but the LIFE project is underway once again. The fundraising committee believes that the innovative intergenerational project will greatly enrich the lives of the residents of Logan Manor Nursing Home, enhance the education of the students of Logan USD 326, and solve other problems in the community as well.
The residents of Logan Manor and the students of Logan USD 326 and ABC Daycare children have a positive history of interactions which enrich the lives of all involved.
This project promises to encourage even more of the intergenerational activities and become the first of its kind in the United States to include birth through end-of-life care.
The quest for the nursing home and elementary school project was initiated by the $7.5 million challenge grant issued by the Dane G. Hansen Foundation. Logan Community Development Foundation (LCDF), a 501 (c)(3), is the entity through which the additional $8 million is being raised. The contributions of the Cole and Morgan Foundations are being applied to the goal of raising $1 million of this amount locally, and has brought the local total to nearly $500,000. How are these contributions being solicited?
The fund-raising subcommittee of the LIFE steering committee has been meeting weekly since March 5. They have been writing grants, letters of inquiry, and requests for proposals from national, state, and local foundations. Several of these sources have goals which include funding projects for improving the care and lives of the elderly or children, innovative education or health care, helping save rural areas, or having an intergenerational impact. Those foundations will hopefully look favorably on this project.
The committee has also printed new posters, signs, and brochures to be on display and available throughout the area. Also, a donation request will be placed in the LHS alumni letters being mailed later this month. The LIFE website (loganlifecenter.com) and the Facebook page (Logan Intergenerational Project) have both been recently updated.
If you would like to be a part of this exciting community project or desire more information, please visit the website (loganlifecenter.com) and consider sending a donation through the website or by mailing it to LCDF/LIFE, PO Box 203, Logan, KS 67646. The LIFE committee appreciates your verbal and financial support. You may also contact Max Lowry at 785 689-8333 for more information.
The LIFE steering committee members (* denotes fundraising committee) are Brien Stockman, Max Lowry*, Lynn Clements, Rick Jessup, Sue Jackson*, Tam Kemper*, Marc Kemper*, David Kirkendall, Barb Lehning*, Teresa McComb, Kyra Reese, and Tim VanLaeys.