Update on local fundraising
Good news from the LIFE committee:
The Logan Community Development Foundation and the LIFE Committee have now raised over $700,000 of the million dollar goal! This has been accomplished through the generous donations of area supporters, businesses, and foundations, and the Logan Alumni. If you are considering a year-end tax deduction, please remember the Logan LIFE project.
These funds will help purchase furnishings, fixtures, and equipment for the LIFE center and will benefit the 36 private manor rooms, the Pre-K - 4th grade classrooms, and other significant needs of the community, school, and manor. This includes modernizing the existing school kitchen which will be a shared resource between the two entities. Any funds raised in excess of the million dollar goal would be used not only for the initial outfitting of the facility, but for future improvements and other necessities.
Although the cost of the building and essentials is measured in dollars, the positive effect on people’s lives will be priceless. This facility would allow residents to attend school functions and activities and also allow students to interact with and learn from residents, making a unique intergenerational campus. Please think of these residents and students when you consider your donation.
The Dane G. Hansen Foundation has graciously committed to the total construction cost of the LIFE facility.
All previous and future donations have been and will be greatly appreciated. The LCDF committee is on a current fund-raising campaign to finish this community commitment of one million dollars. YOU can add your name and support to this list. With your contribution, you can be a part of this project that will benefit not only Logan, but the surrounding area as well. For more information, you are invited to look at the loganlifecenter.com website or call Max Lowry (785 689-8333). Tax-exempt donations may be mailed to LCDF, Box 203, Logan, KS 67646.